Monday, February 26, 2007

The Jonesian Archives: Wrath by JGM

Bone Box by B. Jones

Was out in the Jonesian Archives taking some photographs this afternoon. There are some amazing artifacts out there.

Circadian Pacemaker by D. Grimes

Anyway, thrown back in a dusty corner was this suitcase. There was a small card in B. Jones' handwriting that simply said: "Wrath by JGM".

Evidently Mr. Jones did something horrible to someone with the intials JGM. In response, JGM detroyed every item that had been receieved from Mr. Jones. These items were placed in a small suitcase.

As far as I can tell there are several bird's nest, dried roses, a clock, a broken chinese bottle, a decorative box with a dragon, the covers from a couple of books - Hell by Barbusse and The Secret History by Tartt, some jewelry, a few small watercolors, some old comic panels and quite a few shredded examples of Mr. Jones' writing.

I think that it is a beautiful thing. Every time I look into, I see new configurations of love and theft, of desire and heartbreak, and yes, or wrath.

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